Sometimes comity is regarded as a stimulus to the pattern of behaviour. 礼让有时被视作行为模式的一个促进因素。
A Study of Coding Stimulus Via Phase Synchronization Pattern of Multi-channel Local Field Potentials and Its θ Component 多通道局部场电位及其θ分量相位同步振荡模式对刺激编码的研究
Both the opportunity created by the crisis and the time given by the stimulus must be used to shift the pattern of growth, instead. 必须利用此次危机创造的机会和刺激方案所赋予的时间,来改变经济增长模式。
The stimulus pattern contained 103 hexagonal element which were arranged in concentric circles. 刺激图形为同心圆排列的103个六角形。
The stimulus selectivity and pattern adaptation of neurons in the primary visual cortex ( area 17) of young adult and old cats was, for the first time, comparatively examined using single-neuron in vivo recording techniques. 运用在位细胞外记录方法比较研究视皮层V1区细胞的刺激选择和图形适应特性。
At critical state after bifurcation, inhibitory electrical field stimulus of certain intensity resulted in a markedly decrease of firing rate with a transition of firing pattern, but excitatory electrical field stimulus of the same intensity increased the firing rate slightly but with no transition of firing pattern. 在分岔后临界阶段,一定强度的抑制性电场刺激则使放电频率显著减少,放电模式发生转化,而同样强度的兴奋性电场刺激仅使该阶段放电频率平缓增加,放电模式不变。
By using the method of experimentation, the authors observe the changes of blood urea ( BU) of the athletes who receive acupuncture point stimulus for rehabilitation ( experimental group) and who recover without any supplemental way ( control group) in the similar fatigue pattern condition. 采用实验法,观察在相近的疲劳模型条件下,接受自然恢复方法的运动员(对照组)与接受穴位刺激恢复方法的运动员(实验组)机体中血尿素(BU)的变化。
OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of PVEP in esotropic amblyopic kittens after receiving the treatment by six sided standard pattern stimulus box, and to evaluate the reliability of the effects of pattern stimulus box in the treatment of esotropic amblyopic kittens. 目的:观察斜视性弱视幼猫经六面标准化模式刺激治疗箱治疗后的图形视诱发电位改变,评价模式刺激治疗箱治疗斜视性弱视幼猫效果的可靠性。
Basal ganglia in the brain select behavior according to the received stimulus from the outside world; central pattern generator in the spine controls the rhythmic movement of the body; and they cooperate with each other to help animals finish complicated movements. 大脑中的基底神经节可以接收外界的刺激进行行为选择,而脊髓中的中枢模式发生器可以操纵肢体进行节律运动,它们共同支配动物完成复杂的运动。